New York City trip

What can I say about New York City but that Lisa and I will definitely come back. Neither one of us grew up attracted to New York. She grew up in rural New Hamphire. I grew up outside Chicago. To me that is a city to love. Who needed New York?

Lisa and I had a great time. We never met the stereotyical rude New Yorker. One nice

West 57th Street

West 57th Street

young woman tried to help us to find our hotel Friday evening. She pulled out her Blackberry to give us directions. Neither Lisa or I had the heart to tell her we knew where we were going. She did warn us about stopping by Bryant Park at night.

This morning I went to the deli to buy two sandwiches for the bus ride. I was a little down-hearted when the man at the counter said they were serving breakfast. He must have noticed my disappointment (we had sandwiches from there yesterday–they were really good!) because he said he’d make them. That was really nice.

The concierge at the hotel was a pleasure to talk with. John Mirotello is a Marine who participated in the Inchon Landing during the Korean War. Semper Fi, John.

Lisa and I went shopping yesterday. She got winter boots at Century 21. We bought several books at Strand. We bought a framed set of pictures of New York from a vendor in Battery Park. We saw Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon, stars of “Bull Durham,” biking on W.14th Street.

The only somewhat NYC rude behavior was at the theater on Broadway. The man at the ticket window didn’t want to sell us the pair of tickets because we had two different gift cards. I told him to sell us two individual tickets that happened to be together. Hey, a sale is a sale.

The other obnoxious behavior was from the theater ushers. That kept loudly yelling out “No Pictures!” to any one who pulled out a camera to take pictures of the ornate theater. I think they were setting the mood for “Shrek, the Musical.”

Now, Lisa and I are on the bus back to Washington. Good-bye, Big Apple.

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